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Conbini Boys
Celebrating 50 Years of 7-11

Celebrating 50 Years of 7-11

And Mike dreams of giant eclairs.

In this week’s episode we discuss:

🐥 7-11’s 50th anniversary and stories history

🐥 Yuzu Kosho Famichiki

🐥 Lawson’s attempt at a bagel

🐥 Giant eclairs

Because I am an idiot, I messed up my audio. I used an AI tool to correct it, which did a swell job. But it’s not as good as should be.

Watch the episode on YouTube

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Conbini Boys Newsletter
Conbini Boys
Mike and Matt dive into their passion - Japan’s convenience stores, known as conbini. From canned coffee to fried chicken to seasonal one-offs, we’ll be hitting you with the biggest news across the conbini landscape.
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