It’s been twenty years since Lawson added a cheese flavor to its standard karaage-kun lineup. To celebrate they’re launching two cheesy flavors to accompany their traditional cheese nugget:
Grownup Cheese Karaage-kun
Stringy, Rich Cheese Karaage-kun
The grown-up cheese flavor mixes aged parmesan and gorgonzola. I suspect these nuggets will have a titilating rank funk that gets the salivary glands pumping like the Hoover Dam. This must be an umami bomb. Palettes will shiver and shake. Consider pairing these with the finest bottle of red Lawson has to offer.
The stringy cheese flavor uses the injection technology Lawson pioneered two years ago stuffing gobs of cheese underneath chicken skin. When your teeth pierce the fried crust a tsunami of melty cheese bursts forth. Hang on tight. And keep a beer nearby to wash down these beauties.
Matcha at FamilyMart
Japan has convinced the world that matcha is good. But it’s not. The forest green powder tastes like dirt and looks like scum. The old school tea ceremony guard countered (they’d say “balance”) its awful taste with sweet wagashi. Today, corporations use whipped cream and heaping spoonfuls of sugar.
Matcha reminds us how fast tradition changes. Not long ago the requisite uniform to sip the green dust was kimono and the accompanying food was exquisite wagashi. Now it’s Athleta yoga pants and sous vide egg bites.
Japan’s propaganda campaign has been a great success. Matcha is everywhere — Starbucks, Panera, and all restaurants that serve grain bowls.
Naturally, it’s at the conbini. FamilyMart is launching a matcha campaign featuring the green dust in seven forms: frappe, melon pan, daifuku, ice cream bar, chocolates, tiramisu, and chocolate terrine. Notably, it is not serving matcha tea because it’s gross.
Item of the Week
7-11 is smartly combining Jack Daniels with Coca Cola to conveniently serve a classic cocktail. They’ve smartly tuned it to 7%. One will get you buzzed, two drunk, and three half naked on the subway platform.
From the Dumpster
Behold the combo meat platter from 7-11. That hot dog has put a spell on me. I can’t look away. Why is it there? There’s already chicken and sliced beef. And why is it so…big? And wrinkly? It looks like 7-11 procured it from a mummified porn set.
Imagine sitting down to lunch surrounded by co-workers with this bento. I’d feel more dignity dropping trow to defecate in Shibuya crossing.
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