Jul 24, 2023Liked by Conbini Boys 🐣🍗

Hi guys. I completely understand and respect your privacy boundaries. It makes sense. I can tell you do put a lot of hard work into your podcast/YouTube broadcasts and also the newsletter. Very creative and well done. Yes, I am looking forward to returning to Japan and Kyoto. I may go down to Ishigaki once again as well. More haikus will be on the way...

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Hello guys. I have noticed you have really up'ed your game on the weekly newsletter. I can appreciate how much work it is. Not easy at all. Great work!! I am spending about 60 days in Japan starting early October. Maybe we meet up? I spend most of my time in Kyoto as my home base. So, here is a Kyoto Conbini Haiku I wrote. The Samurais ate rice and miso soup every day:

Kyoto Conbini Haiku:

Kyoto Conbini

Yes, Samurai influenced

Gohan, miso soup

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